Belt Tensioners are great addition to any rig even without having motion implemented. They provide additional level of immersion and a pretty cool modification.
Lot of commercial options are available, but most of them are pretty expensive. Here we will be looking into a DIY approach which also has reasonable cost. It is easy to build and also works quite well.
The Good: | The Bad: |
Easy to complete | Noise: High Pitched and Noisy |
Cheap: 100EUR starting point wihtout Harness | Avoid full lock: it kills servos |
Requires limited DIY skills | Limited Servo Arm travel: extending not advisable |
Fast, responsive | High current + supercapacitors |
Small footprint, very compact, sleek look | |
Travel: enough to work properly and still protect you from overtensioning | |
Reliable, low component count |
First lets start with a demo video:
And another video showcasing the complete setup. It features not only the Belt Tensioner but also the Power Supply/Offload circuit box I built for it:
This project is based on Blekenbleu's work documented here: SimHub Custom serial device for Blue Pill
This project utilizes high currency components, 220V power supply and strong robot servos. We do not take responsibility for any injury to yourself or any damage to your equipment. Realizing this project is at your own risk!
+1 # jaz2
0 # NicCf1