Universal Pedal Mount for Bass Shakers

15 December 2022 | Hits: 3845 | Sim Rigs | Free

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    • Short demo of all my iterations for mounting pedal bass shakers. Current setup is with the Heusinkveld Ultimates and Sim-Lab Inverted Mount.

      Main things to note:

      1. Vertical placement was only for testing purposes - it is wa snot optimal in both cases and needs to be avoided.

      2. Dampers sizing is crucial. If dampers are too strong you cannot preload them enough and vibrations travel throughout chassis.

      2.1 Heusinkveld are the correct size - no vibrations travel through the chassis whatsoever- everything stays in pedal plate

      2.2 Fanatec Inverted dual setup - shakers inside - dampers here were oversized. It worked well enough, not much vibrations travelled outside the setup but channels were mixing a little.

      2.3. Fanatec Inverted triple setup - L+R outside - 4x dampers is definitely overkill. Was loosing a lot of vibrations in chassis. On the other hand shakers being outside I got very pronounced L and R channel

      3. Try to keep no more than 2-3 effects per shaker, preferably such that do not overlap constantly. Split if possible over more shakers.

      Suitable for both inverted and regular pedal installations an easily adaptable for any cockpit.

      Currently using HE Ultimate+ inverted with Aura shakers and proper sized dampers allows me to drive them at 75% channel volume and 60% overall - much less than their limit. Have pronounced L and R channel, no travel through chassis. Despite them being mounted on same plate I get very little channel mixing, dampers are also very solid - cannot feel any flex when using the pedals. Additional bonus is that the heel plate can be adjusted very easy. This definitely is the my favorite setup - big hits and jumps feel amazing, all other directional effects i put are there too.

      The central shaker on top is Dayton BST-1 used for engine sound, gear shift, jump landing effects. Inverted pedal mount being solid mounted traverses some of the vibrations over the chassis which in this case is a good thing. Effects can be also felt very well in pedals as well - good result in my book.

      Read more about the complete setup in the linked items above >>>

    • Parts used:

      1. AuraSound AST-2B-4 Pro Bass Shaker - 2x: for L + R channel effects

      2. Dayton Audio BST-1 x1: used for engine sound, jump landing, gear shift, etc.

      3. Dampers for HE Ulitmate (pedal plate only) x4 - M8 Rubber Dampers 30x20mm 

      4. Dampers for Fanatec Inverted x4 - M8 Rubber Dampers 50x20mm

      5. Profile for mounting the shakers - 100mm and 200mm depending on how you mount the shakers

      6. Pedal base profiles - depending on your setup, mine are 400mm in all cases

      7. Angle brackets and mounting hardware

      8. Mounting hardware for shakers - I used M6 which required mounting holes to be widened by drilling. Solid connection is needed to pass vibrations without loss

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