Universal Vert Side Wheelbase Mount

12 June 2024 | Hits: 1332 | Downloads: 200 | Sim Rigs | Free | Digital

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  • Universal side mount for Sim Racing Rigs. Provides minimal forward adjustability, it was intended for Fanatec wheelbase with shaft extension.

    You will need to calculate the 8040 profile lengths as follows:

    For the 5780LT Rig spacing is 600mm between vertical posts.

    The Fanatec printed mount I used is 15mm wide.

    Fanatec wheelbase with sidemounts are as follows:

    Fanatec DD1/DD2 - 175mm

    Fanatec CSL DD - 160mm

    Fanated ClubSport DD/Pro - 160mm

    [600 - (2x15 + 175)]/2 = 197.5mm - this is the length of side profiles for mi rig with a Fanatec DD1 on it.

    Adjust these lengths accordingly to you setup.

    The Combination of endplates/ TR8020 brackets is very stable and stiff, flex would come from the printed part but it is quite capable mounting system, also pretty cheap.

    The use of expensive TR8020 brackets is not mandatory, they just look better to me. Exchanging them for cheaper, standard single ones should not change the stability of the construction.

    Wheelbase can be mounted infront of vertical posts if you need more clearance for entering rid. As shown on the design you have to exchange the two end plates with RA brackets.

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    Parts List:


    Calculate the length of side mounts properly based on your particular setup!

    For front mount change the endplates with two more right angle brackets.

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