5780-U Rig Main Frame

27 January 2025 | Hits: 575 | Downloads: 45 | Sim Rigs | Free | Digital

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  • Iteration of the 5780 Pro Sim Rig to upgrade it to full 5DOF motion platform. The original idea is upgradability and most of the parts from the original Lite Rig are to be reused. I switched to shorter side profiles (1150mm) for better clearance with the subframe though. It is designed to have Surge Slider on top so shorter frame is not an issue. If you do not plan to replicate my setup exactly - stick to standard frames (130-135cm).

    Mid-spacing is the NRL one still - 484mm. I stick to it as have lot of spare extrusion which I want to reuse. In general implementation I suggest switch to more common spacing - 500mm is good start.

    The design is to be compact so it was built around integrating the surge actuator inside the lower frame. This allows it to be dropped inside and keep lower overall height.

    If you are going to build subframe like me to carry all the stepper drivers you will need a floor which has to be flush with the bottom of the frame. Using the 484mm distance prevented me of using standard Sim-Lab Sim Floor, so instead I used a TracRacer Universal Plate as it is narrower and it fits between the sides, also I already had it from another project.

    All the listed parts are more of a guideline how to design your particular rig, all the other needed parts (actuator, shifter arm) are linked above in the Related Projects section.

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    Front actuators are mounted using 12mm thick square endplate on top of the uprights T-Connects. This links the front half of the front actuators to the lower frame. Back side of front actuators is mounted using TR 80mm bracket to the wheelbase column. This mounting allow me to keep lowest possible distance between actuators (do not want them behind uprights as it interferes with shifter assembly). 

    As back actuators need to be aligned with the front I simply stacked two of the original brackets for each side and mounted them like that on the rig frame. Lower bracket Is screwed in the side frame with the original countersunk screws, the other is as standard on actuator itself and all of this is sandwiched together using longer, 25mm socket bolts.

    Check carefully attached pictures for reference, ultimately there will be a video.

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