PSU Control Box for Servo Belt Tensioner

24 January 2023 | Hits: 4671 | Downloads: 174 | Sim Gear | Free | Digital

  • 5.0
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  • Simple enclosure to contain the controlling board (Arduino Nano) and set of 3 balanced supercapacitors for my Belt Tensioner Servo system. Mounting holes are M6 providing multiple options to mount to Sim Rigs (4040/3030 in the current case).

    Has integrated place for Arduino Nano board (should work both with mini and and type C USB ports) and 16mm button (connected on the Reset Pin). Arduino lid just slides in.

    On my printer I did not need to use supports.

    PSU itself is at 8 V, generic step down module placed somewhere else on the rig. Parameters are in the documentation.

    Demo video, instructions, code on GitHub, parts, etc.  - above in the links

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