Seat Side Mount for Bass Shakers

15 December 2022 | Hits: 2338 | Sim Rigs | Free

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    • Very simple project to mount full sized bass shakers on the side of virtually any side mounted seat. Using 4040 angle brackets provides enough adjustability as they have longer mounting hole. The 4040 profile used here are 150mm long, you need 2x profiles and 2x angle brackets per side. Shakers can be mounted on both sides, no difference in feel.

      The side mounting is very comfortable for additional gear - on one side I have QR sliding HOTAS throttle, on the other side I have static arm rest. The mounts stick a lot to the side so of course you should provide enough spacing and measure especially if you are using seat sliders. the throttle produces sometimes a little rattle but rarely is audible at usable volumes. Everything louder is just too powerful. After adding slider QR and arm rest i did not notice any degradation of feel from the shakers - kept them at the same volume.

      As the assembly is directly mounted on the seat side it is great for simulating L+R suspension effects. All vibrations are felt directly on the relevant side and loss is kept to minimum. As my seat is mounted on slider rails on top of a seat moved I even did not bother to put any isolators - vibrations do not propagate pass the seat side and you are driving the shakers at low volume - yet again they feel very powerful.

      I am using M6 hardware to attach the shakers so had to drill their mounting holes.

      This is great addition to my NRL Motion Plus platform in the front - back is feeling quite "dull" even with the seatmover (motion plus has also tactile in some games). First tested without powering the shakers, but with them everything felt quite balanced - works very well for single motion platform installs.

      Read more about the complete setup in the linked items above >>>

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