Simgrade VX-Pro Adjustable Dampers

21 January 2025 | Hits: 1226 | Downloads: 67 | Sim Gear | Free | Digital

  • 5.0
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  • General Info:

    Modification of the Simgrade VX-Pro pedal damper project, now using cheap Aliexpress adjustable dampers. Also all pivots are with ball bearings in line with the design of the pedals themselves.

    The 14mm dampers have weak upstroke damping, the downstroke can be adjusted to quite high settings. The 20mm damper is definitely recommended for brake as it provides noticeable damping in both down and up stroke and works well with stiff spring. Both size of dampers have extra spring (gas compression) in them, so they will stiffen the pedals and make them stronger on the outstroke as well.

    Pedal Hydraulic Feel

    Throttle - hydraulic smoothing on the instroke, adjustable from 0 to extremely high settings. Works as in real cars with throttle damper. Very granular adjustment of damping and definitely beneficial for smooth throttle operation.

    Throttle feels stiffer, very good with at mid setting with the stronger spring, provided by Simgrade. My pedals are heavy because of the attached Simagic HPRs, with default pedals lower spring setting can be used. Backstroke is immediate as damping is quite low in this direction. 

    Brake - added spring strength from dampers is negligeable. Instroke damping can be adjusted in very high diapason same as 14mm damper. Outstroke has lower damping, but it is present. Step down from the HEU+ damper I had before for the outstroke, but for the instroke the extra adjustable damping range is welcome. Brake feels better now at least on the instroke with quite definitive hydraulic feel.

    Clutch - great hydraulic feel, same as throttle. Clutch has stiffer spring so added spring rate from damper is negligeable again. I am not sure if the 14mm damper is different or the progressive design of the clutch kick in, but on the outstroke it seems there is slight damping and the clutch returns home quite soft even with the added weight from the HPR. Again you can adjust to great extent the damping, for me personally it feels quite convincing, same as in my real car. Hydraulic feeling simulates good clutch pump operation, the progressive release of the duals stage is even more noticeable now with the added damping.

    Summary and Afterthoughts

    Overall very satisfied with the upgrade. Switching to adjustable dampers not only drives cost of the upgrade quite down, but for me personally being able to fine tune the damping force made the pedals even better compared to the HEU+ dampers variant. Using ball bearings for pivot makes the construction very stable and operation is smooth.

    The damper upgrade works very well with the progressive spring design of the Vx-Pro pedals and definitely they feel more immersive and give me better control than my previous HEU+ set. 

    Based on my measurements 25mm stroke length is just about enough to give you full throttle range, 20mm is more than enough for brake as it is much shorter in travel. The clutch looks like it can work with 20mm but do not vouch for it. The 14mm damper is great on throttle, if you want extra damping on clutch you can switch size up and go with 20mm damper. Me personally I would stick with the 14mm for clutch to as it currently feels just about right.

    *** Version 1.0, 14.02.2025***

    All assembled on rig, working as expected. Part list updated, at this stage no updates planned.

    *** Version 0.9, 26.01.2025***

    Finished designing all parts, test printed, pedals are assembled. All parts uploaded and ready for print. 

    To do: update part list with all used hardware.

    *** Version 0.1, 21.01.2025***

    This is WIP, still under development. Only the throttle pedal is assembled and tested. Throttle and clutch use same mounts, all needed parts should be already present. 

    To access them follow the "Rremix" button to access the files on Tinkercad. See needed parts on the corresponding tabs (will be also updated as project develops).

    Missing parts: Brake damper top bearing mount; Brake damper top pivot distancer

  • Assembly:

    Assembly is pretty straightforward, most probably full feature video will appear at some point. Adding the dampers does not require pedal modification in any way, relies on already existing holes. Once assembled is is simply screwing the on the side of the pedals.

    Upper pivot for extra stiffness is designed to be attached using threaded M5 rod going through the whole width of pedal arm.

    Decide on which size of dampers you prefer and follow the below BOM to order the needed mounting hardware. Keep in mind some of the positions are count per damper, so order correct amount according your preference!

    Parts Needed:

    1. Adjustable damper AD1425 x2 for Throttle and Clutch Pedals -

    2. Adjustable damper AD2020 for Brake Pedal -

    3. Ball Bearings 635zz 5x19x6mm x6 for all the pivots -;

    4. M5x25mm x3 socket bolt for lower BB pivot, screwed directly to pedal side

    5. M5 threaded rods for upper pivot for better stability to go through whole width of pedal arm. They need to be cut to length - about 77mm for 14mm damper and 85mm for 20mm damper if correctly remember. If you prefer M5x35mm and M5x45mm bolts can be used instead for single side mounting.

    6. M5 nuts x6 for upper pivot

    7. M3x12mm screws for 14mm damper upped pivot arm - x3 per pivot

    8. M3x20mm screws for 20mm damper upped pivot arm - x3 per pivot

    9. M3x18mm x4, M3x12mm x1 screws for lower 14mm damper lower pivot assembly, per pivot

    10. M3x25mm x4, M3x12mm x1 screws for lower 20mm damper lower pivot assembly, per pivot

    11. Brass heat inserts M3x4.2 various lengths used - 6mm, 8mm and 10mm:


    There are two type of covers lower pivot damper mount included - fat top and with extra bevel - print whichever is your preference.

    There are two inserts for the pedal arm acting as distancer if you use threaded rod. You can exchange them with two M5 nuts on the inside if you need the throttle to be used on the first setting (spacing there is too small to fit distancer at that setting). The beveled ones fit throttle and brake, the straight one is for clutch for extra rigidity and easier print - there is more spacing so it fits.

    Lower distancer has two versions - one is for brake and clutch, the lower one is for throttle to accommodate the end stop limiter.

    Print settings:

    No supports needed, all printed in PETG with 9 walls/layers top&bottom, 40% infill.

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